Please note, the appropriate underwear and shoes must be brought to every fitting to ensure the dress is fitted to the exact specifications every time.

Example Fitting Process:

Fitting No.1

The bride tries on her wedding dress wearing her wedding shoes.  The dress is pinned to fit and measurements are taken.  The fitting usually last 30-45mins.  

Fitting No.2

The wedding dress is retried with the alterations made.  This can be the end of the process, and the dress is taken away. Sometimes there are final adjustments to be made for the perfect fit, or to account for any weight changes.  Fitting will last usually 30mins max.

Fitting No.3

The bride tries on her completed wedding dress for the last time.  The dress is then ready to be taken away and ready to be worn.

If you want your dress steamed and packaged then please request this at your fitting. Steaming and packaging from £20.

When you come too your fitting, why not take out some extra time to visit the beautiful village:

There’s also a lovely little tea room which sells the most delicious cakes:

Or go and celebrate your upcoming wedding at the local pub: